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The Great Wildebeest Migration

The Wildebeest Migration is a cyclical journey driven by the search for food and water. The herds follow the rainfall, constantly on the move in pursuit of fresh grazing grounds. The migration is a year-long affair, with distinct phases that unfold with precision and purpose.
The journey begins in the southern Serengeti, where the wildebeests give birth to their young. The abundance of nutrient-rich grasses provides an ideal nursery for the calves, who are born in staggering numbers during a short window of time. This period of birthing sets the stage for the ensuing drama of the migration, as the herds prepare to undertake their arduous trek.

Where Does The Great Migration Start

From the southern plains, the wildebeests and their companions begin their northward migration, navigating through the western and central Serengeti. This leg of the journey is marked by river crossings, a perilous passage that tests the mettle of the migrating herds. The drama unfolds as crocodiles lurk in the murky waters, while predators lie in wait, ready to capitalize on moments of vulnerability. The river crossings are a breathtaking spectacle, a mix of desperation and determination as the animals surge through the currents, braving the unknown on their relentless quest for sustenance.

Best Time To See Wildebeest Migration

The best time to witness the wildebeest migration depends on the specific phase of the migration you want to experience. Here are the general periods for key events in the migration:

Calving Season (Late January To Mid-March)

This is an excellent time to see the wildebeest migration in the southern Serengeti, particularly around Ndutu. Thousands of wildebeest calves are born during this period, attracting predators and offering incredible opportunities for wildlife enthusiasts.

River Crossings (June To August)

The river crossings, especially at the Grumeti River and the Mara River, are some of the most dramatic moments in the migration. The wildebeest face challenges like crocodile-infested waters during these crossings. This period is typically from June to August.

Grasslands Of Maasai Mara (August To October)

By August, the wildebeest have usually reached the Maasai Mara in Kenya. This is an excellent time to witness them grazing on the lush grasses of the Mara, and it offers fantastic opportunities for wildlife photography.

Wildebeest Great Migration

Experiencing the Wildebeest Migration firsthand is a bucket-list adventure that promises to leave an indelible mark on your soul. Safari excursions that are timed to coincide with the migration offer unparalleled opportunities to witness this natural spectacle up close. Knowledgeable guides and expert trackers lead the way, ensuring that you are in the right place at the right time to witness the magic of the migration unfold.

In addition to traditional game drives, hot air balloon safaris offer a unique perspective on the migration, allowing you to witness the sweeping panorama of the Serengeti from a bird’s-eye view. Drifting silently above the herds as they move across the landscape is a surreal and unforgettable way to appreciate the scale and grandeur of the migration.

Accommodation Serengeti

Luxury tented camps and lodges situated in key locations along the migration route provide a front-row seat to the action, offering a blend of comfort and immersion in the wild. Waking up to the sounds of the savannah, with the silhouette of the migrating herds on the horizon, is an experience that defies comparison. The proximity to the wildlife and the unfiltered connection to nature make these accommodations an integral part of the migration experience.

Plan Your Great Migration Safari

To maximize your chances of seeing specific phases of the wildebeest migration, it’s advisable to plan your visit accordingly with the assistance of King Of Kilimanjaro Expedition, we specialize in arranging safaris and we can help you plan a trip tailored to your preferences.

How to plan?

  • Describe your dream trip
  • Set your Budget
  • A travel consultant will help curate your experience
  • Confirm & start packing